Wednesday, October 31, 2007
My Website....
OK this is my website a little out of whack i think if i just make a div surrounding the whole page with a different color than black it will work. But the second page is pretty good but still a work in progress.
James Bond
wrote my webpage about James Bond. I am a huge James Bond fan and own and have seen all of the movies. The website has a few facts and pictures of all the movies and what actor played James Bond in it.
My website is about one of the greatest video game series Zelda. It is still under construction and i havent dismantled the popups yet. But enjoy it, its pretty sweet. Any ideas let me know. I could use them.
Need help!
I dont know what else to do. I put everything I wanted to put in there, and should I change anything?
My website is a dedication to the MIlwaukee brewers. I havnt been able to get rid of all the advertisements yet, but enjoy.
blogging sucks, so heres my website
This is mywebsite. It is about guitars and drums and soon may have a few more instruments on it. It shows the different types and brands of guitars and drums.
This is mywebsite. It is about guitars and drums and soon may have a few more instruments on it. It shows the different types and brands of guitars and drums.
upcoming concerts
my site is on upcoming metal and hardcore shows coming up and there is a main page to show all concerts in the area then there are sub pages showing all the tour dates for specific bands and i am linking a blog so that unkown bands in the area can anounce concert dates and try to get some listeners
My Website
Hello. My fellow americans. God Bush sucks.
My website is all about fast cars and trucks also, trucks that are good for offroading, its got a lot of pictures if your interested. But please keep in mind its not close to finished yet. Im not really having any problems with my site that i need help with, but if one comes up in the future i will post about it.
My website is all about fast cars and trucks also, trucks that are good for offroading, its got a lot of pictures if your interested. But please keep in mind its not close to finished yet. Im not really having any problems with my site that i need help with, but if one comes up in the future i will post about it.
I wrote my webpage about James Bond. I am a huge James Bond fan and own and have seen all of the movies. The website has a few facts and pictures of all the movies and what actor played James Bond in it.
no idea what to put on my website
i have like 4 pages on my site and all of them have a background and thats about it. except for the index page it has about a paragraph on it about what i think about
BHS Video Game Club
My site is the Official BHS Video Game Club site. Where upcoming events and records for tournaments are saved.
My site is the Official BHS Video Game Club site. Where upcoming events and records for tournaments are saved.
Hey I think that my website is pretty cool the picture's are amazing. Also if anybody could help me I have links on my index page and I can't seem to be able to change the mouse to a hand when it goes over the link. I don't know if the link has to be different because it is a picture link but if anybody could help me with this quest it would be much obliged.
Blogging is bad My site is good this is my website... i really like my website and i think that it could be considered quite a success!! I like my website and i like what topics it is on! i still need to add a few more pages in information about the bands but thanks to Mr. LaRue i was able to put a drop down menu into it! thanks Mr. LaRue! i hate blogging more than anything in the world other than a select few physical tortures because its really dumb to have a computer class blog when its supposed to be atleast semi-technological!
Troubles with making websites
I have been making a a web site and having trouble blocking adds. The site so far is pathetic one question I would like to ask is if any one knows how to make images change from one two another constantly in a time frame or just making images morph from one to another by just pouting the courser on it(I am looking for the code not just a reply that you Know how) I have been using text pad to write my cite.
My infinite iFrame Trick (Patent Pending.)
So I came up with an ingenious trick for my website. I put an iFrame on the website and then connected that iFrame to other pages within the sight. Including the page you're already on. So you can get infinite iFrames on the same one page (The limit to how many iFrames you can have is only how lazy/not lazy you are to make them.).
Link here:
Try it if you dare! And then bow down to my ingenuity! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
Link here:
Try it if you dare! And then bow down to my ingenuity! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Circuit Breaker
The circuit breaker is an absolutely essential device in the modern world, and one of the most important safety mechanisms in your home. Electricity is defined by three major attributes which are Voltage, Current and Resistance, and they all work with a circuit breaker. They all make a circuit breaker work.
Blood-Bat... tery.
Yup a battery. That's what I read about. A battery that runs on blood, sweat, and other bodily fluids that shall remain nameless. It runs on the electrolites in the fluids put into it and is actually much more efficient. It is rechargeable because all you do is maybe get a good work-out then siphon off the sweat into it. Win-win situation. You're all nice and un-sweaty and you've just supercharged your battery. It holds much more energy in it than a D-cell. That's right those enormous batteries hold less than this new Blood-Battery. And here's the weird thing: It's about the size of tiny square of paper. This battery holds massive stores of power but somehow is smaller than your finger. And all it needs is a little blood, sweat and tears. Literally.
Vapor XXXX Hockey Stick
Made for carbon fibers which increases the streanth and decreaces the weight.
Has monocomp stick technology in it (whatever that is)
Helps it React quicker, Has a more consistant flex, Saves weight and has a better balanced feel
Also has D.E.T (Direct Energy Transfer)
Foam core in between carbon fibers
This is really one of the most amazing stick i have enver felt. It felt flawless, extremly light, it has a great kick point, The edges of the stick help your stick control. All in all if you have 190 dollars to spend on a stick the Vapor XXXX is the completely right way to go. Take my word on this you wont be dissapionted
Made for carbon fibers which increases the streanth and decreaces the weight.
Has monocomp stick technology in it (whatever that is)
Helps it React quicker, Has a more consistant flex, Saves weight and has a better balanced feel
Also has D.E.T (Direct Energy Transfer)
Foam core in between carbon fibers
This is really one of the most amazing stick i have enver felt. It felt flawless, extremly light, it has a great kick point, The edges of the stick help your stick control. All in all if you have 190 dollars to spend on a stick the Vapor XXXX is the completely right way to go. Take my word on this you wont be dissapionted
mega man > transformers
in a fight i think megaman could beat optimus prime because not only does he have an amazing arm cannon he also is small and can maneuver under and around optimus prime like it is nothing he could even just jump on optimus primes head and fire away no transformer could even touch megaman because he is just that good
Sony has also designed an all-new format for the medium that carries games, movies and other information for use on the PSP. Universal Media Discs are 60-mm optical discs that hold up to 1.8 gigabytes of information. Sony reports that the UMD cartridge was designed to be manufactured quickly and for lower costs than earlier, lower-capacity portable media.
Earlier game systems, both portable and console-based, have split different functions into separate processors, such as a processor for graphics and a processor for mathematical calculations. The PSP takes this concept to another level: It features a main central processing unit a media processor, a 3-D graphics processor, a security processor to prevent piracy and a final processor to manage power and conserve battery life.
Sony PlayStation 2
In one area, the PSP does not diverge from what has come before. The portable system features the buttons that are familiar to PlayStation players, and all the controls are mounted to the ergonomically designed body of the unit.
Earlier game systems, both portable and console-based, have split different functions into separate processors, such as a processor for graphics and a processor for mathematical calculations. The PSP takes this concept to another level: It features a main central processing unit a media processor, a 3-D graphics processor, a security processor to prevent piracy and a final processor to manage power and conserve battery life.
Sony PlayStation 2
In one area, the PSP does not diverge from what has come before. The portable system features the buttons that are familiar to PlayStation players, and all the controls are mounted to the ergonomically designed body of the unit.
BC Eagles
Down 10-0 with about 5 minutes left in the game Quarter Back Matt Ryan scored a touchdown to make it a 3 point game. The Eagles then got the ball back on an onside kick and then got downfield and scored the game-winning touchdown with about 40 seconds left on an amazing pass by Matt Ryan. The BC Eagles are still undefeated
Boston Sports
If you are a Boston sports fan, this is your year. With the Redsox wrapping up the World series, you know they'll be champs. The Patriots are 7-0 and continue to role over teams each and every week. Boston Celtics added Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett which makes them pretty dominate. Also the Bruins seem to be doing well. So if there was any time to root on a Boston sport, it would be this year.
Video Games
Well has anyone seen the graphics for the PlayStation 3 they are amazing. They are the most realistic ones that I have seen to date. It amazes me how not so long ago we were playing on our Nintendo 64's Perfect Dark and our Sega's Sonic the Hedge Hog. Now we have the technology to make everything look realistic. The number one thing I want for Christmas this year would have to be the PlayStation 3.
The red sox are playing game 3 tonight in colorado. This will be there toughest game because Matsuzaka is starting, who has been having trouble, and this is there first game away, there following national league rule (picthers bats), and there also in a different atmosphere because of the altitude difference. They will also have to decide what to do with david ortiz there DH becuase there is no DH in national league games, the pitchers bat. So will they put ortiz at first base and risk the defense or put youkilis in and risk the offense?
If your haveing trouble with the ads on 50megs try geocities on yahoo.
I know it didnt work before for most of us but its been working now, and is alot nicer than 50megs. If you decide to stay with 50 megs there are ways around the ads, you came make a div container to cover the whole page by putting all of you code inside of it and making its height and width 100%
I know it didnt work before for most of us but its been working now, and is alot nicer than 50megs. If you decide to stay with 50 megs there are ways around the ads, you came make a div container to cover the whole page by putting all of you code inside of it and making its height and width 100%
I hate blogging and daisuke
I dont think i've been too hard on blogging because i really hate it with a passion. I think if we really had to blog it should be in a seperate course that involves more public technology use because i thought this course was more based on programming and learning the more complex parts of computers not making web-posts which any "genius" is able to do! But tomorrow the sox are playing in colorado and sadly i believe they will lose because ridiculously overpaid daisuke matsuzaka who isn't the worst pitcher ever but way over-rated... i hope hes only infor like 1 inning so we can win
how about them redsox, they beat the rockies again, 2-1 this time with great pitching from schilling,okajima, and papelbon. they seem to be on their way to winning the world series without any problems. lets hope they have a good weekend in Colorado and wrap it up there. also i want to thank mr larue for writing me a rec letter for college. also thing whole blogging thing is still not that cool, but o well. have a good weekend
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Nano Nurse
Nono bots are the medican of the future instead of just flushing our bodys with ant bacteral medication we will start to inject nano bots that will go straight to the trouble zone and kill the bacteria with a dirict shot of antibiotics. This helps by preventing the bacteria from becomeing emune to the anti biotics because the bacteria will receave a direct lethal dose instead of a small amont of the anti biotics and becomeing emune to the treatment.
This post is about Windows new operating system that is supposed to come out in 2010. The new operating system is already being created and Microsoft is already invest a lot of money into it. They have stripped the kernal and plan on basically rebuild a brand new windows which would really help because Windows is become too large of an operating system...
This post is about Windows new operating system that is supposed to come out in 2010. The new operating system is already being created and Microsoft is already invest a lot of money into it. They have stripped the kernal and plan on basically rebuild a brand new windows which would really help because Windows is become too large of an operating system...
fuel converter
this article is about a converter that makes the energy current of solid fuel oxide more powerful which changes it from direct current to alternating current and in the future will hopefully be used to help reduce the consumption of gas and make life a bit easier for everyone. :0
this article is about a converter that makes the energy current of solid fuel oxide more powerful which changes it from direct current to alternating current and in the future will hopefully be used to help reduce the consumption of gas and make life a bit easier for everyone. :0
Favorite video game system?
Since we're talking about video games, what are your favorites?
Mines the super nintendo, the best games came from this system. We grew up playing this system as well. Soo many good games.
Mines the super nintendo, the best games came from this system. We grew up playing this system as well. Soo many good games.
Worlds Fastest Big Rig
This thing is amazing it has three jet engines on the back and can do a quarter mile in 6.36 seconds at 256 mph which is the world record for trucks. It is used in airshows to race other airplanes, and of course this truck is a Kenworth. this truck can also reach a top speed of 365 mph which is in the Guinness Book of World Records. It has 36,000 horse power and can pull 3 vertical G's which is the same as a space shuttle. This is one beast of a truck.
That article explains all about computer memory. it goes on to explain the basic functions of memory and how it works. also it explains about the different types of memory computers have. along with that, the redsox destroyed the rockies last night and it looks like they are on there way to winning the world series.
That article explains all about computer memory. it goes on to explain the basic functions of memory and how it works. also it explains about the different types of memory computers have. along with that, the redsox destroyed the rockies last night and it looks like they are on there way to winning the world series.
Funny Because I Do Play This Game
Ok this is called Americas Army. Very Fun game where its world wide. There is about 11 million people that play. I am In two clans }WYS{ and N0_0b. lol don't ask but yes i do play a lot. You can learn more at this website.
Ok this is called Americas Army. Very Fun game where its world wide. There is about 11 million people that play. I am In two clans }WYS{ and N0_0b. lol don't ask but yes i do play a lot. You can learn more at this website.
1976 Special Edition Pontiac Firebird/Trans Am
After reading this article, i thought that it was pretty cool. I myslef am a big fan of the Pontiac made cars, such as the Firbird, Trans Am, GTO, ect. ect. In this article, it explained the new features that were put into the 1976 Special Edition Firbird/Trans Am. The car was given new interior, new Gold instrument panel, New Black and Gold paint with the Classic, "Firebird" logo on the hood. This car was a real head turner. As for performance, the carwas basically the same. It came with 2 engine sizes. A 400 ci V8 motor, and a 455 ci V8 motor. It was a veyr loud car. Some plus about the Trans Am were, its head turning looks, fine performance, and great handling. Some down sides to the car were that, it was "gas guzzler." It drew alot of attetention to cops, and theifs, and was also very hard and expensive top insure. Pontiac Power 4 Life!
After reading this article, i thought that it was pretty cool. I myslef am a big fan of the Pontiac made cars, such as the Firbird, Trans Am, GTO, ect. ect. In this article, it explained the new features that were put into the 1976 Special Edition Firbird/Trans Am. The car was given new interior, new Gold instrument panel, New Black and Gold paint with the Classic, "Firebird" logo on the hood. This car was a real head turner. As for performance, the carwas basically the same. It came with 2 engine sizes. A 400 ci V8 motor, and a 455 ci V8 motor. It was a veyr loud car. Some plus about the Trans Am were, its head turning looks, fine performance, and great handling. Some down sides to the car were that, it was "gas guzzler." It drew alot of attetention to cops, and theifs, and was also very hard and expensive top insure. Pontiac Power 4 Life!
Smart car
the smart car is a new car that will be coming to america next year and is extremely small. it is already in i think 36 other countries and it is made in the most enviormentaly freindly way. everything is recycled and reused when making it.
Video game Gun
Another thing i was interested in was how the gun that hooks up to your video game system works. For an example is the gun used in the Nintendo Duckhunt. The gun contains photodiode which is able to detect light from the screen. This is how it gets its "aimer" on track to the screen. Horizontal and vertical retrace are used to detect the signal also. Thanks to this finding, it makes video games 10x's more fun.
Another thing i was interested in was how the gun that hooks up to your video game system works. For an example is the gun used in the Nintendo Duckhunt. The gun contains photodiode which is able to detect light from the screen. This is how it gets its "aimer" on track to the screen. Horizontal and vertical retrace are used to detect the signal also. Thanks to this finding, it makes video games 10x's more fun.
Saleen S7

The Saleen S7 goes from 0-60 in 2.8 seconds and can stop from 100 MPH in 11.2 seconds and can reach speed over 200 MPH.
"Aerodynamic devices such as scoops and spoilers channel air currents to force the car against the road, creating a down-force exceeding the pull of gravity, which means that this visually stunning road machine can literally drive upside down at 160 mph! "
Has 2 turbo chargers, a 7 liter V8 Ford engine With 750 hp and 700 lb.-ft. of torque.
Wieght is: 2950 Pounds.
Check out this car u wont be Disapointed.

The Saleen S7 goes from 0-60 in 2.8 seconds and can stop from 100 MPH in 11.2 seconds and can reach speed over 200 MPH.
"Aerodynamic devices such as scoops and spoilers channel air currents to force the car against the road, creating a down-force exceeding the pull of gravity, which means that this visually stunning road machine can literally drive upside down at 160 mph! "
Has 2 turbo chargers, a 7 liter V8 Ford engine With 750 hp and 700 lb.-ft. of torque.
Wieght is: 2950 Pounds.
Check out this car u wont be Disapointed.
For the love of God people!
Okay so I know most of you are going to get p****d off as soon as you read this, but in God's good name please use some semblance of grammar! If anyone on this entire site except Mr. Larue himself knows how to spell or form a semi-proper sentence, you don't show it. At all. This isn't IM or an online game where you have only so much space or little time to form your thoughts and so chat-speak and other stuff like that makes sense. This is a blog. You have as much time as you need only limited by the class period and even then you can just continue some other time if need be, after all it does auto-save your incomplete posts. I know none of you are going to listen to me but I figured I might as well try to get you all to stop typing like idiots.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I pod into a Laptop
This is dumb, none in ther right mind that isn't a Scientist would not be able to do this thats all i have to say
This is dumb, none in ther right mind that isn't a Scientist would not be able to do this thats all i have to say
fastes computer in the world.
Batteries are around us 24/7. The battery is essentially a can full of chemicals that produce electrons. Chemical reactions that produce electrons are called electrochemical reactions. Something called Electrons, collect on the negative terminal of the battery. Batteries are the future and they have been for quite a few years now
Superchargers(For speed Freaks)
A supercharger is any device that pressurizes the air intake to above normal atmospheric pressure. Both superchargers and turbochargers do this. In fact, the term "turbocharger" is a shortened version of "turbo-supercharger," its official name. A powerful enough supercharger could make a Grand Prix GTP rape a Vette. But it will cost you.
bionic arm
this article is about a mind controlled mechanical arm that they are using to help veterans who lost their arms in the war this project was worked on by americas top prosthetic experts to help make the lives of people who lossed there arm.
this article is about a mind controlled mechanical arm that they are using to help veterans who lost their arms in the war this project was worked on by americas top prosthetic experts to help make the lives of people who lossed there arm.
2008 subaru wrx sti
i chose this article becasue I have always wanted a wrx sti and I found it to be interesting that they are coming out with a whole new one for 2008 and i like it alot more that the older ones.
i chose this article becasue I have always wanted a wrx sti and I found it to be interesting that they are coming out with a whole new one for 2008 and i like it alot more that the older ones.
The iClone - Good or Bad?
So China has just come out with its own version of the new iPhone - called the miniOne. It looks almost identical and it also has more features. It is also useable with any cellular network instead of just AT&T and has reception outside of the US. One of the problems, which I myself think is hilarious by the way, is that some people forget that they have a miniOne and not an iPhone so they send it into Apple for warranty issues... And they accept them. Just think about that. THEY CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE MINIONE AND THEIR OWN DAMN PHONE!!! China has always been ripping off our ideas and recreating them into a cheap knockoff, but actually improving upon a good product like the iPhone is a new one. Also, unlike many products in China, it is not shoddy work. It works, and it works well. So you decide for yourself, is the iClone a good or bad thing?
So China has just come out with its own version of the new iPhone - called the miniOne. It looks almost identical and it also has more features. It is also useable with any cellular network instead of just AT&T and has reception outside of the US. One of the problems, which I myself think is hilarious by the way, is that some people forget that they have a miniOne and not an iPhone so they send it into Apple for warranty issues... And they accept them. Just think about that. THEY CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE MINIONE AND THEIR OWN DAMN PHONE!!! China has always been ripping off our ideas and recreating them into a cheap knockoff, but actually improving upon a good product like the iPhone is a new one. Also, unlike many products in China, it is not shoddy work. It works, and it works well. So you decide for yourself, is the iClone a good or bad thing?
Artaficial limbs
I just read am article on new artaficial limbs that is mind controled and has 25 joint motions out of the thirty real joint motions of a real arm. It is hoped that the arm will be in human trial tests by 2009. the adress of this artical is as posted
This article is about internal combustion engines. An internal combustion engine uses compression and pressure to move a piston attached to the drive train. The movement is made by compressing gasoline and air and then igniting them with a spark or ignition source, commonly the spark plug, creating an explosion.
This article is about internal combustion engines. An internal combustion engine uses compression and pressure to move a piston attached to the drive train. The movement is made by compressing gasoline and air and then igniting them with a spark or ignition source, commonly the spark plug, creating an explosion.
This article is about how a hydrogen boosted engine works! A hydrogen boosted engine can increase engine effeciency by 20-30% !! It works by injecting a small amount of hydrogen into the cylinder with the gasoline and air in order for the engine to pump less. Hydrogen boosted engines are a promising alternative to increase fuel effeciency!
This article is about how a hydrogen boosted engine works! A hydrogen boosted engine can increase engine effeciency by 20-30% !! It works by injecting a small amount of hydrogen into the cylinder with the gasoline and air in order for the engine to pump less. Hydrogen boosted engines are a promising alternative to increase fuel effeciency!
Nintendo Wii and how it functions
The Nintendo wii is a great video game system which actually lets you get into the game rather then sit on a couch and get back cramps. The Wii comes with Wii sports which allows you to play baseball, tennis, boxing, bowling and golf. These games are all interactive as you actually swing the bat and pitch the ball as in baseball. Both Controllers are equipped with an accelerometer. Both Nunchuk and Wiimote have this. In my opinion Wii is on of the better new systems because of its interactive ability and it makes you feel like your in the game.
How the Wii works (Haddad copied me)
The article first talks about how the Wii was revolutionary unlike the Xbox 360 and the Ps3. It tells about the new controller and how it's not the regular controller anymore its a motion sensor stick that uses gyroscopes.
This article shows the difference between 4 cylinder engines and 6 cylinder engines. it goews on to explain how v6 models are most popular in america. also how v6 have very similar fuel economy of 4 cylinders. v6's are clearly better and have more power.
This article shows the difference between 4 cylinder engines and 6 cylinder engines. it goews on to explain how v6 models are most popular in america. also how v6 have very similar fuel economy of 4 cylinders. v6's are clearly better and have more power.
Halo 3
With the release of halo 3, xbox 360 is quickly moving past nintendo's wii as the #1 system. Sales for xbox 360 have doubled in september. PS3 has had to drop prices by about $100 to keep up with the 360.
Greetings, one and all
Today, you are being asked to do two things, besides working on your websites:
A) You will follow up on any one of the links below, read any technology related article found there, and comment on it at our blog. Follow the same rules as listed for all the other blog posts. Be sure to include the exact address of the story you chose, the reason you chose this particular article, and a title for your post which more or less matches the title of the article.
Google technology news
Popular Science TECHNOLOGY SCIENCE AUTOMOTIVE HOW 2.0 (next level stuff)
Popular Mechanics
(choose from the Automotive, Science or Technology)
GEEK dot COM News
B) You will need to send me an email about another technology article you wish to comment on. You will need to include your name and the title of the article in your "Subject" line, and in the body of your email, tell me a little bit about the story and why you chose it, as well as the link to it. You may use the links I have given above, or if you want to use another one, just run it by me first, so I can have a "heads up" about where you're going with this.
Mr. L
Today, you are being asked to do two things, besides working on your websites:
A) You will follow up on any one of the links below, read any technology related article found there, and comment on it at our blog. Follow the same rules as listed for all the other blog posts. Be sure to include the exact address of the story you chose, the reason you chose this particular article, and a title for your post which more or less matches the title of the article.
Google technology news
Popular Science TECHNOLOGY SCIENCE AUTOMOTIVE HOW 2.0 (next level stuff)
Popular Mechanics
(choose from the Automotive, Science or Technology)
GEEK dot COM News
B) You will need to send me an email about another technology article you wish to comment on. You will need to include your name and the title of the article in your "Subject" line, and in the body of your email, tell me a little bit about the story and why you chose it, as well as the link to it. You may use the links I have given above, or if you want to use another one, just run it by me first, so I can have a "heads up" about where you're going with this.
Mr. L
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Blogging is bad
i made a website for this computer technology class which is part of what we are supposed to be doing unlike "blogging" which is completely pointless and we should not be doing it at all!! my website is located at and it still has some ads but im getting rid of them slowely! duh biwwion.... i dont know why i wrote that but i did!
I have made a website for an assignment(which actually makes sense because we Designing websites) in my technology class the link is
It is about instruments like guitars and drums and about the music I like
It is about instruments like guitars and drums and about the music I like
OK its spirit week, did you all see Ben Civicci yesterday? Blue Power Ranger Suit was sick, wonder what hes going to wear tomorrow. And today with his short shorts, head bans, and glasses, c-l-a-s-s-i-c.... Now is anyone going dress up for pajama day tomorrow? I know Mike is. Ya ill be wearing my green bathrobe, my pajama pants, a white T-Shirt, my tan slippers, long tube socks, and a white towel around my neck.
What NOT to do & things you might do
Herewith, a list of things NOT to do when posting to this blog:
A) do not make a one sentence post and expect that that will "do it" NO, it WON'T
B) do not keep whining. It's wicked unattractive, and after awhile, it's like living next to a bell factory: you STOP HEARING THE BELLS. I will cease hearing you complain, and start ignoring you.
C) do not persist in posting non-tech/non-class related subjects EVERY SINGLE time you post. I'm giving you 1 times out of three per week. No more than that!
Failing to heed my warnings, or not reading the rules and abiding by them can and no doubt will get your post scrubbed from the site. It will NOT count towards your grade, and I will make you do it again until you get it right.
NOW, that much being said, there ARE some legitimate complaints being aired here. For instance, that this class was supposed to include computer programming and networking. Here is what I would like you to do:
A) If you want something positive to happen, you can't just sit there and be negative
B) The more articulate you are in spelling out exactly what you want, and why you should get it, the bigger the likelihood is that it will actually happen.
C) Understand that times change, this course has changed, and sometimes we have to change too. It doesn't mean we cannot do what we came here to do, it just means we might have to change how we're doing it.
Now, with that much being said, please modify your posts accordingly.
Mr. L
A) do not make a one sentence post and expect that that will "do it" NO, it WON'T
B) do not keep whining. It's wicked unattractive, and after awhile, it's like living next to a bell factory: you STOP HEARING THE BELLS. I will cease hearing you complain, and start ignoring you.
C) do not persist in posting non-tech/non-class related subjects EVERY SINGLE time you post. I'm giving you 1 times out of three per week. No more than that!
Failing to heed my warnings, or not reading the rules and abiding by them can and no doubt will get your post scrubbed from the site. It will NOT count towards your grade, and I will make you do it again until you get it right.
NOW, that much being said, there ARE some legitimate complaints being aired here. For instance, that this class was supposed to include computer programming and networking. Here is what I would like you to do:
A) If you want something positive to happen, you can't just sit there and be negative
B) The more articulate you are in spelling out exactly what you want, and why you should get it, the bigger the likelihood is that it will actually happen.
C) Understand that times change, this course has changed, and sometimes we have to change too. It doesn't mean we cannot do what we came here to do, it just means we might have to change how we're doing it.
Now, with that much being said, please modify your posts accordingly.
Mr. L
Monday, October 22, 2007
So here I am...
Upon my absence on Friday, I was not able to join your ranks then. Well now I'm here. I'm not exactly a blogger so I have no idea whatsoever on what I'm supposed to be doing. Well I suppose it doesn't really matter I have plenty of time to figure it out. Until then, I leave you with these words of truly inspired genius: I is me.
Stuff to do on computers
You can do many stuff on the computers. You can play games search for things and watch videos. You can also play fantasy football. Fantasy football is a fun game to play on the computers unless your Chris Haddad and you think your all good and going undefeated, then you get upset by Shawn Lamothe who has the worst team in the league. Its fun to watch Haddad loose his first game especially to the wost team in the league. The only way Haddad beat me was because Carson Palmer had a once in a lifetime game that was all luck.
Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!
Or had a case of the Fridays. Ok, people, here's the deal:
A) We will be doing some actual programming in here. At some point. When I can get the SUN sdk installed in the lab. And we have sufficient priveleges.
B) By the time Friday rolls around, I'm feeling a little shredded too
C) I like Youtube as much as the next person.
D) I like "Legends of the Hidden temple" too (I DO have kids after all)
That much being said, herewith are my comments/observations:
1) We have a LOT to do right now, without trying to think too far ahead to what we want to do. You all need to be working on what you've already got in front of you.
2) The course has changed from last year. Life marches on. Changes aren't permanent. But change is.
3) Don't post anything that would require someone to try and go to a forbidden website, such as myspace, facebook, youtube,etc, etc. Do you really think that the school won't notice? Or that I won't? Or that something which violates the AUP is somehow going to be OK?
4) The quality of your posts counts just as much as you actually creating the posts in the first place. You need to take this seriously, or grades will plunge, posts will be deleted and authoring priveleges will be yanked.
Mr. L
A) We will be doing some actual programming in here. At some point. When I can get the SUN sdk installed in the lab. And we have sufficient priveleges.
B) By the time Friday rolls around, I'm feeling a little shredded too
C) I like Youtube as much as the next person.
D) I like "Legends of the Hidden temple" too (I DO have kids after all)
That much being said, herewith are my comments/observations:
1) We have a LOT to do right now, without trying to think too far ahead to what we want to do. You all need to be working on what you've already got in front of you.
2) The course has changed from last year. Life marches on. Changes aren't permanent. But change is.
3) Don't post anything that would require someone to try and go to a forbidden website, such as myspace, facebook, youtube,etc, etc. Do you really think that the school won't notice? Or that I won't? Or that something which violates the AUP is somehow going to be OK?
4) The quality of your posts counts just as much as you actually creating the posts in the first place. You need to take this seriously, or grades will plunge, posts will be deleted and authoring priveleges will be yanked.
Mr. L
ok we all know that the red sox won last night. You should have herd the Indian they were saying that the shampane is gunna taste the same on the ride home. we also know that the rockies swept the Philies. Now what about red sox against the Rockies, u think that they are going to get swept?
Computers are fun for educational purposes and for gaming usage. They can be used to find various amount of things such as geography or to find the capital of any country. The world wide web makes it possible to do anything. It can entertain or it can be used to complete an assignment for your English teacher.
"Therefore Football rules!"
- Adam Sandler
"Therefore Football rules!"
- Adam Sandler
Friday, October 19, 2007
Anyone remember the show legends of the hidden temple
The kids could never get across the river in the beginning and i remember getting really agitated at them. For i was always a fan of the silver snakes.
blogging is really boring but seeing how i really have to do it monty python and the holy grail is the greatest movie of all times hands down anything john cleese says is gold. the fonz was too cool for school the beatles are amazing but bob dylans music has more meaning i am just babling on and on
Set sail...
Host the main sails, maties. It's time to get with blog on the open seas. Captain Calibos here, to help sail the Period 4 Tech Class to massive amounts of booty and rum. Traveling from island to island, searching out the fabled booty of Gold Rodger. For now we shall begin you search in Bellingham and slowly move out way down towards the cape. From their we shall sail to the main line. Batten down the hatches and be ready to take on the most violent of pirates on the high seas.
~Captain Calibos
Old Channels
Any one remember the old cable settings. When 52 was the channel for Nickelodeon. Also, Mtv was somwhere around 60's. These old cable settings make me wonder why they switched them. What would have been if they never changed them. Would Teen Nick and such exist?
crapy friday
Today is a very boring rainy day. I have to work today and I really do not want to becasue iam already in a bad mood as it is and im probly going to want kill someone before i get out of work at 11:00pm tonight.!!! But after i get out of work i am planing to have some sort of fun but im not sure what i am doin yet!!
madden 08
whats up everyone, im pretty badd at madden 08, my live record is 2-6, i hope to get better soon and if i dont i might switch to a new game. i also bought nba 08 and im pretty good at that so i might just do that.
Guitar Hero
Does anybody here like GH or knows how to play GH?
This game is insane for all the rock fans out there.
I deff. recommend this game for you out there.
This game is insane for all the rock fans out there.
I deff. recommend this game for you out there.
So who likes the movie transformers I think it is an amazing video. This movie is avaible now for those of you who already do not know get it. This is one of my favorite movies of all time and I am hoping that there will beasecond one.
I really dont like this blogging project very much. First of all I dont see what it has to do with "technology" considering it is only an online journal set up by someone else. It also takes away from the time we have to learn about programming and networking which is what this class is supposed to be about.
Its friday and i want to go home. the redsox better win this weekend or else i will be very upset. also im not a big fan of blogging. also i wish we did not have to come to school next week cause it is boring sometimes, but this class is pretty cool though other then blogging!
its friday and stuff
i do not like this blogging idea... i do not think we should be required to write in a blog because not everyone enjoys it! this has almost nothing to do with technology... the only technological aspect of this "blogging" is that we used a computer and the internet! I signed up for this class to learn about computer programming and networking NOT "blogging"!!!!!!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Bearing in mind that the entire world can potentially read everything that is written here (and this includes parents, administrators, other teachers and fellow students), here are the rules governing this blog:
Only members of this class in good standing are allowed to post to this blog
I, Mr. LaRue, shall be the ultimate determinant as to who is, and is not, in good standing
Items which are REQUIRED for participants to remain in good standing:
You shall post here at least three times a week, and the post shall not be longer than 311 words, nor shall it be less than 42. In other words,
At least two of these posts will need to be about something to do with this class: Either work being done by individual students (including work for your portfolios, or yourwebsites)
programs and applications used to complete work in this class
ORcomputer technology in general (yes, you can go on and on about Linux, Macs, Windows, networking, fixin' computers and makin' 'em better, etc, etc)
The third post may be on any of the following topics:
music (all hail Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton!)
rants (provided they don't bump up against any of the prohibited items from below)
video games
cuurent events
or even some miscellaneous item that has caught your attention. Just please be sure to run it by me first
(You don't have to agree with others, but you cannot attack them personally!)
You're not expected to be perfect, but if you say something that can readily "mis-interpreted", then don't be surprised if that is exactly what happens.
Items which are NOT required, but which are nevertheless allowed:
a short biography of yourself
any hopes, dreams, fears you have about the future
anything not especially "techie" but still cool nevertheless
(poetry or songs you've written, short stories, a brief report you've done for some other class if you especially like it)
Items which are absolutely FORBIDDEN:
Personal attacks on any other member of this blog, any other student in the school, anyone who works here, ME, the people who pay me, and just basically ANYONE. Again, if you disagree with someone, that's allowed, but it doesn't need to get personal, nor will I allow it.
SEXUAL HARASSMENT of any kind. It has not escaped my attention that this is an all male class. That doesn't mean it turns into a guys locker room. Nuff said!
SPAM (OK, it's great if your older brothers run a bowling alley, but I don't want any ads for it here. If you want to mention some cool website, please run it by me first)
NO PROFANITY (and yes, I, ultimately, will get to determine what is profane. Arguing with me will avail you nothing)
NO INAPPROPRIATE IMAGES OF ANY KIND (if you're not sure, then ask me, as I will determine what is and is not inappropriate)
NO DISSING "Office Space" (and if you do, you will NEVER receive your paycheck)
Items which MIGHT become forbidden:
Anything which I determine to be harmful in any way to this blog, it's authors, and it's readers.
This is especially true if you have anything good to say about the Yankees, whereupon you will need my permission to say it, whereupon I will set you up with the "witness protection" program of your choice.
Anything that disses America: knocking political leaders is a time-honored tradition. Please don't confuse them with the country or the people defending it, or the people who actually SAY the pledge during the morning exercises. They are not one and the same!
Also, ixnay on the "Tetris" theme. That's already become annoying!
Mr. LaRue has spoken
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