Monday, October 22, 2007

Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!

Or had a case of the Fridays. Ok, people, here's the deal:

A) We will be doing some actual programming in here. At some point. When I can get the SUN sdk installed in the lab. And we have sufficient priveleges.

B) By the time Friday rolls around, I'm feeling a little shredded too

C) I like Youtube as much as the next person.

D) I like "Legends of the Hidden temple" too (I DO have kids after all)

That much being said, herewith are my comments/observations:

1) We have a LOT to do right now, without trying to think too far ahead to what we want to do. You all need to be working on what you've already got in front of you.

2) The course has changed from last year. Life marches on. Changes aren't permanent. But change is.

3) Don't post anything that would require someone to try and go to a forbidden website, such as myspace, facebook, youtube,etc, etc. Do you really think that the school won't notice? Or that I won't? Or that something which violates the AUP is somehow going to be OK?

4) The quality of your posts counts just as much as you actually creating the posts in the first place. You need to take this seriously, or grades will plunge, posts will be deleted and authoring priveleges will be yanked.

Mr. L

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